For some reason I find the manpage for the date command a bit confusing. Here is how you can set the time in a linux box through the command line:
The system's hardware clock can be synchronized with this time by executing the following command:
For some reason I find the manpage for the date command a bit confusing. Here is how you can set the time in a linux box through the command line:
The system's hardware clock can be synchronized with this time by executing the following command:
This post describes how you can allow incoming ssh connections from a certain IP address, using iptables.
First of all, the current list of iptables rules can be viewed with the commandA new rule to allow access from the IP can be appended to this list with the command
However, in my case this didn't work, because the rule was appended to the end of the list, which means that it was preceded by a DROP rule that blocked ssh access to all IP addresses that did not explicitly have an ACCEPT rule. So, I had to add the rule further up in the list. This can be achieved with the -I switch.